after high school go to college. It is the season of teenager movies. I didn't do anything crazy when I hit the age of 18. Beautiful music worth the four stars. For the time that passed by in my life!
好剧本渣字幕我都怀疑是不是机翻的种族梗玩得飞起娱乐性爆棚狱中龙 电影关键还有很多梗我还没catch到估计要对美国文化熟谙的人才能把字幕翻好吧奇葩上任后斯派克李一定是憋了很久了吧拍出来效果还真不比Do the right thing差
Inspired by Coppola's "The Conversation", the director doesn't have the intellectual power to sustain through the 2nd half.